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leonid meteor shower

The Leonids (Leonid meteor shower) are an annual meteor shower occurring in November. They are called Leonids because their radiant lies in the constellation Leo.… Read More »Leonids

XZ Tauri

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xz tauri star

XZ Tauri is a binary star located in Taurus constellation. It lies at an approximate distance of 450 light years from Earth. XZ Tauri is… Read More »XZ Tauri


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orionid meteor shower

The Orionids (Orionid Meteor Shower) are an annual meteor shower that occurs between October 16 and October 27. The meteor shower peaks around October 21… Read More »Orionids

Centaurus A

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Centaurus A is a peculiar galaxy located in the southern constellation Centaurus. It is the fifth brightest galaxy in the night sky, the nearest giant galaxy… Read More »Centaurus A


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canopus star,alpha carinae,second brightest star

Canopus, Alpha Carinae, is the brightest star in Carina constellation and the second brightest star in the night sky. Canopus is fainter only than Sirius.… Read More »Canopus